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Vor über zwei Jahrzehnten wurde die erste Chromtasche mit einer Juki-Nähmaschine, einigen Metern Cordura®, einer Plane für Militärfahrzeuge, und mit dem Ziel hergestellt, bombensichere Ausrüstung zu entwickeln, die sowohl auf dem Fahrrad als auch ohne funktioniert.
2 Treffer
Avail Backpack 19L Grey Chrome
Avail Backpack 19L Grey
discounted price160,49 €original price246,90 €
Summoner Pack 32L Black Chrome
Summoner Pack 32L Black
discounted price160,49 €original price246,90 €

From the beginning, the drive for simple, useful, and resourceful solutions led Chrome to make its original messenger bag with a salvaged seatbelt buckle. With innovations like the iconic quick release buckle, load stabilizing strap, dual wall construction and five bar webbing, the Chrome messenger bag became the bag of choice for working bike messengers around the world.

Over the last 20 years Chrome has never wavered from Its commitment to making useful and durable gear for professional messengers, fixed freestyle riders, and urban commuters — people who live and ride in the city.
Chrome makes street tested bags, footwear and apparel that adapt to the changing and unpredictable nature of the city.
Chrome is urban mobility. We make simple, functional gear built with industrial-strength materials and features that work on the bike and in the bar. We make gear that protects people and their things from the elements without looking like you came from the mountains.

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